Challenges, they come at us from every direction don’t they and can sometimes give us a nasty jolt. They are around every corner and a little daunting at times, but they also have the potential to offer opportunities. Opportunities to experience something that perhaps we had not planned for, something that could be exciting, rewarding, and benefit who we are or what we do.
Ask yourself “What could I achieve if I embrace this challenge? Where will it take me? What is the risk?
At the time, the prospect of taking on something new can be unsettling, but as a challenge unfolds, we may see that the effort expended has offered us something much more valuable – experience.
What would life be like without them? Boring perhaps, continually running on an even keel to the point that we become complacent, or worse still, miss out on what may have been the chance of a lifetime.
We all seem to wear a multiplicity of ‘hats’, these days, on the home front, and of course in the workplace. The order of specificity of these hats will constantly change as our priorities change perhaps even on a daily basis. However, if we could take a step off the treadmill for just a short time, we could check to see if we are making headway in life.
We need to check to see if the career we have now, is heading us in the right direction, taking us to where we want to be in say 1 – 5 year’s time. It is called a reality check. Ask yourself “what do I need to do now, to make a difference in my future?”
There will be many answers and many avenues in how we pursue our goals. I strongly believe that assisting colleagues, friends, to reach their full potential and self-promote to achieve their goals in life, is a worthwhile pursuit.
If I were to ask you, WHO IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON IN YOUR LIFE, what would your answer be? YES! YOU ARE.
We need to look after ourselves, and not always place our needs on the bottom of the list. REMEMBER we are also important. Our needs and aspirations are important too, and should be pursued. We can always find a reason not to do something, but it takes an inspired person to make a decision and actually take on the challenge and do what it is they are yearning to do.
So the next time you feel that you are outside of your comfort zone in taking on a new challenge, go for it, see where it will take you, and above all ENJOY THE EXPERIENCE.