Life of an Office Professional
A Collection of Articles


My first step into the world of paid employment came in 1969, at the age of 16 having completed 4th Year High School gaining my Leaving certificate.  My role was that of a   Typist/Clerk within a Drs Surgery and is where I learnt the fundamentals of Office Administration.

This was a time before computers when processes were undertaken manually administration, when typewriters were par for the course together with carbon paper that inevitably marked everything it came into contact with, especially that white ensemble purchased only the day before.

From here to where I find myself now in 2024, running my own business OFFICE Dynamics Adelaide, there have been such a giant leap in how business administration is managed and how staff are pursuing careers instead of accepting their ‘lot’.

As someone who loves ‘words’, I have put pen to paper and fingertips to keyboards over many years, and I wanted to share my thoughts, experiences and insights with you through the many articles I have written, in the hope that you will discover some little ‘pearls of wisdom’ that will assist you to create your own career successes.

The Executive Experience A Guide to creating Excellence within the C-Suite


If you are an Executive who is constantly walking the ‘tightrope’ whilst managing the demands of a busy position, you will value discovering strategies that assist in creating a high-level operational partnership between yourself and your Executive Assistant. This will ensure the success of the C-Suite operations by increasing productivity and reducing stress. 

Listen to Matt McQuinley ‘Radio Italia Uno’ Podcast where he interviewed Catherine Middleton, on how to create an efficient / productive and positive work environment within the C-Suite as highlighted in her latest book.  LISTEN

Create the Best Career & Life for You.


Are you currently sitting in a role that you have outgrown and is not meeting your career aspirations?  Has your initial plan been hijacked by the reality of everyday commitments?  It is not always easy achieving a career by design, as more than not it is formulated by circumstance and therefore becomes a career by default. 

In this book you will find out about the benefits of having an aspirational mindset, how branding for success presents a professional image.  How being confident and having self-worth adds to the image you portray to an employer.   There are many ‘gems’ that will whet the appetite and assist you to navigate your way through the concept of being successful in the field of administration.   Time to Think Big! is the catalyst that will get you back on track achieving the career you always wanted.  Understanding the key facets of professionalism in the workplace, will give you a head start in achieving your aspirations in your chosen field of endeavor.  

By changing how you think about yourself and your profession, will set the wheels in motion to propel your career forward and achieve the success you have always aspired to.

Job Hunting?

Plan for Success


Transitioning into the workforce is not something to be taken lightly, it needs a well thought out plan of attack, and this handbook will be an easy reference guide, to see job seekers successfully navigate their way through the process.

Each chapter gives an insight into the realms of recruitment and selection that are clear, up to date, and can easily be implemented into an individual’s transitional plan.

The Publican’s Daughter (June’s Story)

June Powell was born in 1929 in the upstairs bedroom of the Camden Head Public House where her Father was the Licensee.  Her life was full as she encountered many wonderful experiences in her early years.   Trips to the country to stay with Grandparents, her frolics in the English countryside, where she could run ‘free’ with her brother Eddie.  These were idyllic times and are highlighted in the many references to ‘Cousley Wood’.

At the tender age of just 8 years of age, her Father died, which turned her life literally ‘upside down’.  The Family needed to leave their home in Camden Town and moved to The Princess of Wales, which became the family home.  At just eleven years old however, she was sent away to Boarding School together with her brother Eddie.  This story recounts June’s many experiences throughout her formative years, and beyond. 

June’s story depicted in ‘The Publican’s Daughter’, includes the turmoil of life in London during the Second World War and how this historical event impacted on her family and her life.  A World War brings people from all walks of life closer together as they rally to support one another, enabling them to contend with what was happening around them for so many years.  I feel that this book is also a tribute to the Powell family who enriched the lives of others as they pursued their own life paths.

This is a story of resilience, of enduring incredible hardship at times through circumstances that one would never dream of occurring in one person’s life.  June survived Tuberculosis which should have claimed her life, the details of life in hospitals and sanatoriums and the impact it had on her family, are almost chilling.  The Family’s eventual moved to a ‘new town’ where they started life a fresh.  However six years later they immigrated to Australia.


A remarkable story, that is one of survival, tenacity and when it comes down to it, courage and determination to get on and live a life that would provide hope for the future.

This is not your usual biographical book, as it contains such gems of imagination that it is actually awe inspiring.  The gift of words is not endowed to everyone, but certainly it is an attribute that June was able to bring to each page of her memoirs.  It is therefore with great pleasure that I share her life’s story with you here.  I do hope you enjoy your time spent experiencing my mother’s journey. 

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